Warrington Disability Partnership

WDP Coronavirus Update

This outlines the current situation here at WDP in light of the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.

At this moment we are closely monitoring the government guidelines, which are
changing on a daily basis. During the past 24 hours, the following action has been
- The Over 55’s Lunch Clubs (Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays) have been
cancelled until further notice. We are working with our teams to ensure
that telephone contact is maintained with all members, and are
supported as much as possible, which may include delivering a hot
meal weekly until the groups can be restarted.
- Our OWCH Pain Management Support Group has taken the decision to
cancel their weekly sessions until further notice, although will remain in
contact through phone and social media to offer support to members.
- The decision has been taken to cancel the forthcoming quiz night at St
Oswald’s Social Club. This was due to be held on Friday 20 th March.
- We have cancelled all meetings of our Staying Connected and Your
Voice forums until further notice.
- At the moment, the team are still planning to run the WDP Sponsored
Swim on Saturday 21 st March.

As per government guidance, if you or anyone in your household has the following
symptoms, you are required to self-isolate for a period of 14 days. Please do not visit
any of our services if you have:
- a high temperature — you feel hot to touch on your chest or back
- a new, continuous cough — this means you've started coughing

Additionally, we have already taken the following measures:
- Increased signage for correct hand washing procedures
- Regularly cleaning frequently touched surfaces
- Eliminating close group work, arm length work only
- Increased hygiene procedures across our services, especially multi use,
i.e. Shopmobility, Wheelchair and Equipment Hire, and our retail
services where customers are trying out equipment

- Considering postponing additional services including Forums,
fundraising events and holding/attending unnecessary meetings
With regards to our retail services, we are taking the following measures:
- Confirming that stock is available, either in our stock or from our
suppliers before accepting an order
- Offering an enhanced home assessment and delivery service to
customers, which will include deliver of small aids and continence

Equipment from our retail services can be ordered by contacting the team on 01925
240064, with a number of payment options including over the phone, BACS
payments or on delivery. We have additional volunteer drivers on standby to ensure
that our customers are not left without vital equipment.

If you have any further questions about our services and our response to COVID 19
(Coronavirus) pandemic, please contact a member of the team on 01925 240064, or
by email info@disabilitypartnership.org.uk.

We will of course keep you updated should the situation change.