International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPwD) will take place this year on Sunday 3 December.
The annual observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPDwD) on 3 December was proclaimed in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3. The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilise support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities.
A huge thank you Lorraine from our Employment Team for sharing your story:
'I was diagnosed with a rare muscle wasting condition called Dejerine Sottas (CMT type III) when I was three years old. It is a condition I was born with and when I didnt reach the usual milestones this raised concerns that something wasnt quite right.
After many tests, prods and pokes my diagnosis happened and from that day onwards I have managed my condition and achieved more than I could have dreamt of.
My condition is a progressive, degenerative condition and is ever-changing. I never mastered walking but kind of wobbled about hanging onto furniture to get around and fell over quite a lot. We went through quite a lot plasters in our house when I was a kid because I somehow thought I was invincible LOL.
When I was 16, I got my first electric wheelchair and from that day onwards I was up up and away. It was life changing and gave me incredible independence.
I went to college for a couple years completing my HNC in Business Studies and then went on to work voluntarily at The Neuromuscular Centre in Winsford putting my business studies skills into practice. I also received and still receive physiotherapy at the NMC which has been key to good management of my condition and all the support I need. Ive been extremely lucky and blessed to have this support.
During the 13 years I spent at NMC I experienced respiratory failure and also lost my hearing in both ears which was a bit of a blow to be fair but somehow it made me stronger and more determined to achieve the things I wanted to do. During my time at the NMC I also completed my HND in Computer Studies.
I then went on to work for BT for 16 years and gained wonderful experience doing customer services and complaints. With the support of the Access to Work Scheme, it enabled me to make this happen. I then worked at The Neuromuscular Centre for another three years as Transition Officer supporting young people with neuromuscular conditions to live independent lives and helping them to get the support they needed.
Im currently working for Warrington Disability Partnership as a Employment Mentor and absolutely thrive the role that I have here. I feel at the tender age of 56 I have the life experience to help others and love every minute of it. It makes me feel 10 feet tall to make a difference to somebody elses life and help them overcome their challenges.
The way I deal with losing the ability to do physical things like walking, hearing, breathing, writing, communication is to find a way to overcome. Luckily, the technology is out there and it has enabled me to live a very fulfilled life and I treasure the equipment that I have to live it.
Most importantly, throughout my life I have only been able to achieve my goals with the love and support of all people who look after me. My husband Mark, my family and amazing care team. These are the angels on earth that enable me to be the person I am today'.
Published: 01/12/2023