Mobility Training Track
During the major refurbishments of the Centre for Independent Living in 2008 we included a Mobiity Training Track. Measuring over 30 metres in length the track includes a variety of surfaces such as tactile paving, cobbles, gutters and gravel.
The track is used for training users of mobility scooters, powered and manual wheelchairs. Visual Impairment Training Officers also use the track for training blind and visually imparied people who use long canes and / or guide dogs.
The track is also used during our Scoota Safe courses.
The track is popular with participants of our in-house Disability Equality Training Courses.
St George Healthcare Group financially supported the original build and more recently a major refurbishment project was funded by the Cheshire Police Crime Commissioners Office, Network Warrington and Warrington Borough Council. If you would like more details please contact WDP on 01925 240064 or email today.