Susan Pearson

Volunteer Support Worker, Shop Mobility
About Susan Pearson:
Sue is based in Shopmobility while the new market is being rebuilt. Sue provides practical assistance and support to the volunteers, with the aim of enabling Warrington Disability Partnership to provide a high quality and professional service. She aims to provide a first class information service to the general public helping in any way we can. Sue assists with the development of existing and new services being provided by Warrington Disability Partnership. She supports training and development of volunteers, and works closely with our outreach services e.g. Shopmobility, and our Mobility and Independent Living Store. Her voluntary roles are in conjunction with fundraising events e.g. tombola's, held in and around the market place, Christmas Grotto, and Disability Awareness Day. Her extensive area of expertise is working with volunteers, and the general public
Contacting Susan Pearson: